Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 8:Checking In

Each week I feel as though I must check in with all my classmates' blog to see what's going on. 
sometimes I will check in with one of friends, she also is graphic designer form SCAD. I really appreciate the works she did. here is her link of hehance.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 7:Inspired by Doing

recently, we are doing the infographic design, it might the inspiration for my team's design. clean, simple and straightforward.
also this is a great tree I found in pinterest. I wanna move in~~~~

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 6: Personal Workspace

my personal workspace in my computer, new tablet for getting into the program y^0^y
I know that it is knid of messy(lazy bone). I really want to keep everyting organized.but after cleaning up, I will messy it up again within 2 days. However, everything is still in the right place.So I tell my little brother, "don't disarrange or just take away a thing, you have to put it back wherever you get it from". Not enough room or time for me to work here, but here is the best space for creating. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

illustrative alphabet advertisement

here it is. my alphabet advertisement
plant more trees
i do LOVE my trees
but now kind of tire of drawing them

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grove typeface

Finally, i came up with the font name called it grove typeface. initialy call it trees, no , too normal. then Andrea told me that flora for plants, but it is more about flowers and elegant. then i found the "Grove" which a small growth of trees without underbrush. That's what i have for the alphabet.
for the font, I want my trees are not only look like letter shape when people look at the whole thing. I also want each one of them can stand out by itself and people still know it it what letter tree it is. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week 5: Block of Type

just remember to do this assignment when I was driving to home. There are what I took.
although a lot of Korean on there, and each one of them is unique and unusual, they really has become part of the environment.